come of age (大人になる、成人する)
Because the queen has come of age. (女王様が成人したので)
Because the queen has come of age.(女王様が成人したので)
It's Coronation Day! (今日は戴冠式よ!)
come of age について、成人したのでと書いてしまいましたが、
その次の文で、それはCoronation Day 戴冠式と説明しています。
come of age とは、成人になるとか、大人になるとか、日本式で言えばまさに元服や成人の日にあたる言葉に近いでしょう。
- She will come of age next year. (彼女は来年成人になる)
- There can be no doubt now. (疑う余地はない)
- At least we got to say our marriage vows
- It's getting colder by the minute. (急激に冷えてきた)
- You won't get away with this. (上手く逃げられるわけない
- You're no match for Elsa. (エルサにはかなわない)
- All that's left now is to kill Elsa,(あとはエルサを殺して、)
- you were dumb enough to go after her.
- I would have to stage a little accident for Elsa.(エルサにちょっとした事故を企てないと)
- You were so desperate for love. (君は愛に飢えていた)
- As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course.