You've got the bark facing down.
You've got the bark facing down.(木の皮が下に向いてる)
You've got the bark facing down. (木の皮が下に向いてる)
You've gotはyou have 。
You've gotten じゃないのか、とかYou have でいいじゃないか、と突っ込みどころがあったり、細かい経緯は分からないのですが、とにかくhave got は have と同意語です。have got to は have to と同じです。
bark は木の皮。
face downは表を下にする。という意味のidiomです。
- There can be no doubt now. (疑う余地はない)
- At least we got to say our marriage vows
- It's getting colder by the minute. (急激に冷えてきた)
- You won't get away with this. (上手く逃げられるわけない
- You're no match for Elsa. (エルサにはかなわない)
- All that's left now is to kill Elsa,(あとはエルサを殺して、)
- you were dumb enough to go after her.
- I would have to stage a little accident for Elsa.(エルサにちょっとした事故を企てないと)
- You were so desperate for love. (君は愛に飢えていた)
- As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course.