「 月別アーカイブ:2015年05月 」 一覧
That's what it's all about
2015/05/14 chapter10, Songs, 愛さえあれば -Fixer Upper- T, W
That's what it's all about. (つまりはそういう事だ)
And you'll bring out their best (そうすればベストを発揮できる)
2015/05/10 chapter10, Songs, 愛さえあれば -Fixer Upper- B
And you'll bring out their best (そうすればベス ...
Her brain's a bit betwixt
2015/05/09 chapter10, Songs, 愛さえあれば -Fixer Upper- B
Her brain's a bit betwixt (彼女は迷っている)
Her quote "engagement" is a flex arrangement (婚約は取り消せる)
2015/05/09 chapter10, Songs, 愛さえあれば -Fixer Upper- A, F
Her quote "engagement" is a flex arrange ...
Are you holding back your fondness
Are you holding back your fondness due t ...
Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods? (森でおしっこするから?)
2015/05/04 chapter10, Songs, 愛さえあれば -Fixer Upper- T
Or that he only likes to tinkle in the w ...
Or that he's socially impaired? (社交下手だから?)
2015/05/03 chapter10, Songs, 愛さえあれば -Fixer Upper- I
Or that he's socially impaired? (社交下手だか ...