「 月別アーカイブ:2014年09月 」 一覧
Hang in there, Joan (がんばれジャンヌ)
2014/09/26 chapter2, Songs, 雪だるまつくろう -Do You Want to Build a Snowman- H
Hang in there, Joan
I think some company is overdue (誰もこない)
2014/09/26 chapter2, Songs, 雪だるまつくろう -Do You Want to Build a Snowman- I, O
I think some company is overdue
It doesn't have to be a snowman (雪だるまでなくてもいいけど)
2014/09/25 chapter2, Songs, 雪だるまつくろう -Do You Want to Build a Snowman- I
It doesn't have to be a snowman (雪だるまでなく ...
We used to be best buddies, (私たちは仲が良かったのに)
2014/09/24 chapter2, Songs, 雪だるまつくろう -Do You Want to Build a Snowman- B
We used to be best buddies, (私たちは仲が良かったの ...
But the head can be persuaded. (だけど頭は何とかなる)
But the head can be persuaded. (だけど頭は何とか ...
Born with the powers, or cursed? (魔力は生まれつき?それとも呪い?)
Born with the powers, or cursed? (魔力は生まれ ...