Frozen Chapter 1~4
アナと雪の女王のChapter 1から4まで。
男たちの氷を切断し運んでいく仕事の様子の歌が流れ(Frozen Heart)、そこには幼いクリストフとスヴェンも。
氷の心 - アナと雪の女王 オリジナル・サウンドトラック (Frozen Heart)
- both foul and fair (汚れたものときれいなもの)
- strike for love strike for fear (愛のために恐れのために…)
- Tickle bumps (くすぐったい!)
- Gotcha! (やった!)
- born of (~から生まれて)
- combining (結びついて)
- mining (掘ること)
- This is getting out of hand. (手に負えん)
アナと雪の女王のChapter 2
雪だるまつくろう – アナと雪の女王 オリジナル・サウンドトラック-デラックス・エディション- (Do You Want to Build a Snowman)
- troll (トロール)
- Your Majesty. (陛下)
- Born with the powers, or cursed? (魔力は生まれつき?それとも呪い?)
- But the head can be persuaded. (だけど頭は何とかなる)
- We used to be best buddies, (私たちは仲が良かったのに)
- It doesn't have to be a snowman (雪だるまでなくてもいいけど)
- I think some company is overdue (誰もこない)
- Hang in there, Joan (がんばれジャンヌ)
- Just watching the hours tick by (時間だけが過ぎていくのを見るだけ)
- Getting upset only makes it worse. (怯えは事態を悪くする)
- Your Highness. (殿下)
- Let me in (入れて)
- What are we gonna do? (私たちどうすればいいの?)
アナと雪の女王のChapter 3
生まれてはじめて - アナと雪の女王 オリジナル・サウンドトラック-デラックス・エディション- (For the First Time in Forever)
- come of age (大人になる、成人する)
- Coronation Day (戴冠式)
- for a whole day (一日中)
- I may unlock your secrets. (秘密を暴いてみせよう)
- exploit your riches (富を搾取する)
- Did I say that out loud? (聞かれちゃったかな?)
- Me sore eyes can't wait to see the queen and the princess.
- I bet they are absolutely lovely.
- I’ve been up for hours. (ずっと起きてる)
- Who is it ? (だれ?)
- The window is open, so's that door.
- For years I've roamed these empty halls
- Why have a ballroom with no balls? (舞踏会ないのになぜ舞踏室があるの?)
- But wow! Am I so ready for this change!
- Cause for the first time in forever (生まれてはじめてだから)
- Don't know if I'm elated or gassy
- What if I meet, that one? (その人にあったらどうしよう?)
- Tonight, imagine me gown and all fetchingly draped against wall
- The picture of sophisticated grace (洗練された優美のイメージよ)
- I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face (チョコレートをほおばりたい)
- Nothing like the Iife I've led so far (今までの人生と違いすぎる)
- And I know it is totally crazy (分かってる、どうかしている)
- At least I've got a chance (とにかく、チャンスなの)
- Put on a show(演じるの)
- Make one wrong move and everyone will know(ミスをしたら知られてしまう)
- It's agony to wait (待つのは辛い)
- I'm getting what I'm dreaming of (夢みたことが実現するの)
- Nothing's in my way! (私の前には何もない)
- Thank goodness. (良かった)
- If you had hit my sister Elsa, it would be...(姉のエルサだったら...)
アナと雪の女王のChapter 4
とびら開けて - アナと雪の女王 オリジナル・サウンドトラック-デラックス・エディション- (Love Is an Open Door )
- I don't think I'm supposed to. (こんなはずじゃないと思う)
- You look beautifuller. (お姉さまはもっときれいよ)
- This is what a party looks like. (パーティーなのね)
- The Duke of Weaseltown. (ウィーズルタウン公爵)
- If you swoon, let me know. (失神したら教えて)
- Like an agile peacock. (クジャクのように)
- Speaking of, so great to have the gates open. (ところで城門が開いて何より)
- They don't call me the "Little dipper" for nothing!
- milady (婦人)
- Well, he was sprightly. (活発な方ね)
- I wish it could be like this all the time. (いつもこうしていたい)
- I often had a whole parlor to myself to slide! (広間をひとりで滑ったり)
- Your physique helps, I'm sure, too. (いい体格なのね)
- Three of them pretended I was invisible, (3人は僕を無視している)
- Okay, can I just say something crazy ?
- And it's nothing like I've ever known before.(今まで知っていたものとは全然違う)
- We finish each other's -Sandwiches.
- Jinx! Jinx again!
- Out mental synchronization can have but one explanation
- Meant to be
- Can we just get around you there?
- May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.
- We haven't worked out all the details ourselves. (詳細はまだよ)
- All you know is how to shut people out. (あなたは人を拒むやり方しか知らない)
- What did I ever do to you? (私が何をした?)
- Sorcery. (魔術だ)
- I knew there was something dubious going on here. (何か怪しいと思っていた。)
- Just stay away from me. (私に近づかないで)
- I'm completely ordinary. (私はいたって普通よ)
- She didn't mean it. (そんなつもりじゃなかった)
- Tonight was my fault. (今夜のことは私のせいでした)
- I'm the one that needs to go after her. (私が後を追う)
- On my honor. (名誉にかけて)
- I leave Prince Hans in charge. (ハンス王子に委ねます)